Precision Manufacturing
Dr. Nathan Li and his Healthdent team have patented a new Gutta Percha cone manufacturing process. All Healthdent Gutta Percha cones now are precision machine made, instead of traditionally hand rolled.
It has been an ongoing problem for clinicians trying to find a matching Gutta Percha master cone for today’s ever changing multitaper and greater taper NiTi rotary files. Now with this new technology, Gutta Percha master cones can be made custom fit for all types of NiTi Rotary file systems on the market today. Our new GP master cone design incorporated following features:
- All Gutta Percha master cones are designed with multiple tapers with tightest taper fitting at apical 0 to 3 mm region. Then the taper on the rest of the GP master cone is gradually reduced. This design will not only make GP master cone matching NiTi rotary file with much better tolerance, it also gives doctors more accurate “tug back” sensation from apical area instead of false “tug back” sensation from different region in the root canal system. This design also brings the term “taper lock” to realty in preventing accidental over fill. Each GP master cone also has a flat tip end to provide more accute "tug back" sensation, tighter apical fit and seal.

- Another feature of the newly designed GP master cones is the flat tip end, instead of bullet shaped tip end. This feature will give doctors more acute “tug back”, tighter apical seal to form a better apical plug with warm gutta percha 3-D obturation technique.